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Realistic rendering software

Ocean™ –  light simulator, your new scientific tool for accurate appearance and light engineering

realistic rendering software ocean
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What is Ocean™ ?

The Ocean™ light simulator is a ray-tracing software. It computes light radiated across a 3D scene, using laws of geometric optics. It generates physically true, predictive virtual images for engineering applications and computes information about light, such as illuminance mappings. These performances are approved by our CIE 171:2006.

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Ocean™ workflow

inputs ocean cad data and materials properties
ocean realistic rendering software
outputs ocean predictive images and lighting quantification
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Optical simulations

light quantification eclat digital

Lighting simulation

Ocean™ provides high-accuracy illumination calculations combined with state-of-the-art algorithms that enable high computation speed and efficient memory use. It allows the use of fully detailed CAD models with several million polygons, reducing the need to make simplified models for light engineering.

color prediction ocean

Colour prediction

Unlike most computer graphics programs, Ocean™ features a polarised full-spectral lighting algorithm, enabling the highest level of accuracy for lighting simulations. Computing interactions between materials and light is performed by retaining all the information which could have an impact on final product colours. This makes Ocean™ the ultimate tool for the colour scientist.

complex light sources oceanTM

Complex materials and light sources

Ocean™ can represent a very broad range of surfaces and light sources just by using your lab measurements. Metallic car paint, coated glass, brushed metals, dyed plastics, LCD screens and LED lamps are just a few examples of objects which are traditionally difficult to model with classical 3D software, and easy with Ocean™.

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Ocean™ benefits

High computation speed

High accuracy thanks to its full spectral lighting algorithm

Takes on a broad range of surfaces, light sources, and materials

Large range of input and output formats

Non-compromised ray-tracing simulations

No size limits on CAD scene

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Ocean™ features

1 Full-spectral
2 Exact solution
of geometric optics
3 Light
4 Photometry
& radiometry
5 Fully detailed
CAD models

Full-spectral calculations

Unlike most computer graphics programs, Ocean™ features a full-spectral lighting algorithm. Light transfer is computed for every wavelength of the visible spectrum, retaining all the colour information across multiple bounces on materials. It is converted to classical colour spaces, such as RGB or XYZ, at the very end of the calculation process. Colour space conversion is fully customisable and allows simulation of phenomena such as night vision or partial colour blindness. Exporting spectral information is also possible.

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Full-spectral calculations
Exact solution
of geometric optics

Exact solution of geometric optics

Ocean™ makes no approximations over the laws of geometric optics. Every light path significantly contributing to the result is considered. This allows the simulation of very complex lighting situations without any effort other than modelling the scene and setting up materials. Ocean™ will automatically converge on the solution no matter how complex the lighting. 

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Exact solution of geometric optics

Light polarisation

Similarly to spectral information, the program tracks the polarisation state of every ray. This allows accurate simulations of materials such as glass, water or metals not well-handled by scalar optics. This is especially differentiating in situations with multiple reflections or when the light source itself emits polarised light, such as a blue sky. With advanced materials such as coated glass, which tint light differently depending on its polarisation state, polarised optics are required for good colorimetric predictions.

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Light polarisation
& radiometry

Photometry & radiometry

Ocean™ is not only a renderer, it is a multipurpose light transfer simulation tool. Light is gathered by virtual instrument objects, ranging from realistic cameras to light sensors. Using the same scene, materials and lighting set-up, the user can quickly switch from image rendering to floor illuminance mapping, for instance. Combined with the flexibility of user-defined observer sensitivity spectra and post-processing filter chains, setting-up an energy irradiance sensor, a spectral camera or a human eye is a simple process.

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Photometry & radiometry
Fully detailed
CAD models

Fully detailed CAD models

Ocean™ provides high-accuracy illumination calculations combined with state-of-the-art algorithms that enable high computation speed and efficient memory use. It allows the use of fully detailed CAD models with several million polygons, removing the need to make simplified models for light engineering. And it does this without making simplifications on light transfer, such as limiting the number of bounces.

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Fully detailed CAD models

Full-spectral calculations

Unlike most computer graphics programs, Ocean™ features a full-spectral lighting algorithm. Light transfer is computed for every wavelength of the visible spectrum, retaining all the colour information across multiple bounces on materials. It is converted to classical colour spaces, such as RGB or XYZ, at the very end of the calculation process. Colour space conversion is fully customisable and allows simulation of phenomena such as night vision or partial colour blindness. Exporting spectral information is also possible. 

Exact solution of geometric optics

Ocean™ makes no approximations over the laws of geometric optics. Every light path significantly contributing to the result is considered. This allows the simulation of very complex lighting situations without any effort other than modelling the scene and setting up materials. Ocean™ will automatically converge on the solution no matter how complex the lighting.

Light polarisation

Similarly to spectral information, the program tracks the polarisation state of every ray. This allows accurate simulations of materials such as glass, water or metals not well-handled by scalar optics. This is especially differentiating in situations with multiple reflections or when the light source itself emits polarised light, such as a blue sky. With advanced materials such as coated glass, which tint light differently depending on its polarisation state, polarised optics are required for good colorimetric predictions. 

Photometry & radiometry

Ocean™ is not only a renderer, it is a multipurpose light transfer simulation tool. Light is gathered by virtual instrument objects, ranging from realistic cameras to light sensors. Using the same scene, materials and lighting set-up, the user can quickly switch from image rendering to floor illuminance mapping, for instance. Combined with the flexibility of user-defined observer sensitivity spectra and post-processing filter chains, setting-up an energy irradiance sensor, a spectral camera or a human eye is a simple process.

Bringing optical light simulation to fully detailed CAD models

Ocean™ provides high-accuracy illumination calculations combined with state-of-the-art algorithms that enable high computation speed and efficient memory use. It allows the use of fully detailed CAD models with several million polygons, removing the need to make simplified models for light engineering. And it does this without making simplifications on light transfer, such as limiting the number of bounces.


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Which market are you in?


Take control of the final appearance of your project.


Get support and reactivity into your vehicle project conception.


Showcase innovative real-life materials

Product design

Observe the light interaction with your product in any environment.
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Are you a researcher or student?

You should know that research is in the DNA of Eclat Digital and we offer our academic partners a specific program. If you are interested in Ocean™ software, we can provide you with a dedicated license and start with training.

Our partnerships can also be completed by writing publications together or participating in conferences.

Our scientific publications

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You need a full-spectral solution like Ocean™ when you need to accurately simulate materials or products or to quantify the light repartition. The software allows the integration of all the complexity of various data: fluorescence spectra, spiked data, IR/UV spectra …
Not at all. Even if Ocean™ is said to be “by engineers, for engineers”, the interface is meant to be open and user-friendly for any user profile, scientific or not. Moreover, Eclat Digital provides software training when acquiring an Ocean™ licence.
Ocean™ has been designed and optimised for very fast computing times: from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the complexity and the computer.
Ocean™ can be fully utilised on a simple laptop or on a computer farm. Bigger is faster!

No, Ocean™ is a CPU-based solution, the software runs on any computer, because they all have a processor.

Ocean™ is a stand-alone software that manages all aspects of the simulation : data, organizations, rendering engine and analysis. As for the data preparation (3D, tabulated data, …) must be prepared upstream in specialized software. We have developed connectors to facilitate communication with certain software.

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Focus on the end result, source a
tailor-made solution to answer your needs

We do it for you

Dedicated support for your project from start to finish
Integrate tailored Ocean™ module
Material measurement

You do it yourself

Get an Ocean™ license
Training available according to your needs
Expert support for your projects

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